FALL MEETING 2010: Technical Boot-Camp for Residents


I. FALL MEETING: “Technical Boot-Camp for Residents: A Crash Course and Hands-On Workshop in the Newest Cardiothoracic Surgical Techniques.”
Saturday, November 20, 2010, at the Columbia University Medical Center’s Vivian and Seymour Milstein Heart Hospital Conference Center.

This symposium is open to all residents and fellows in New York cardiothoracic surgery programs. Local and national leaders will provide interactive lectures on cutting edge topics, including:
• percutaneous/hybrid interventions for valvular disease
• minimally invasive/hybrid coronary revascularization
• valve-sparing aortic root replacementand the latest in stentless valves
• hybrid approaches to atrial fibrillation
• off-pump coronary bypass surgery
• esophageal RFA
• advanced VATS techniques
• robotic access to the mediastinum and pleural space
• simulators in thoracic surgical education

These lectures will be supplemented by hands-on dry labs, in which trainees will practice actual surgical techniques in models and simulators, with real-time evaluation of their skills.

II. WINTER MEETING: “Preparation for Your Future: What Every Cardiothoracic Surgeon Needs to Know to Provide Cutting Edge Care – While Continuing to Compete – in the 21st Century.”
Thursday, February 3, 2011, at New York University Medical Center.

This event will be open to all members, as well as residents and guests. Lectures will feature both local and national leaders who will provide updates on etechniques and technologies that practicing cardiothoracic surgeons must master to be able to function as “cardiovascular and thoracic specialists of the 21st century.” The format will include debates and case-based interactive panel discussions, covering many topics of interest to our membership.

III. SPRING MEETING: “Annual Scientific Session and Tribute to a Giant of New York Thoracic Surgery.”
Thursday, April 21, 2011, at the University Club.

This event will be open to all members, as well as residents and guests. The Scientific Session will include presentations by NYSTS members and residents, with comments by invited discussants, and awards for best presentations. We will also continue our Society’s recent tradition by honoring a retired New York thoracic surgeon whose career has made a profound impact on our specialty. Past honorees include Dr. Frank Spencer and Dr. George Green, and this year’s “giant” is also very deserving of our recognition. More information on this meeting, including a request for abstracts, will be sent in January. We hope that you and your trainees will participate in this session, not only by attending the meeting, but also by submitting abstracts for presentation. We hope that the awards for best presentation and best video, as well as publication of our own Proceedings, will increase the incentive for surgeons and residents to submit their clinical or experimental work for consideration.