Abstract Submissions – Spring 2023

Abstract Submissions:
Residents and fellows are also encouraged to submit their abstracts and video presentations on their research series or interesting/unusual cases or techniques in the field of adult, congenital, structural heart and thoracic surgery. Each abstract will include a powerpoint or video presentation, followed by discussion from the audience. We are looking forward to learning about the impressive work that is being done across New York and the surrounding regions by our cardiac and thoracic surgery colleagues. Please join us and represent the amazing work that is being done at your program.
The top abstracts/videos for each track (cardiac and thoracic) will be selected and eligible to present at the Spring meeting. The residents will have 5 minutes for presentation, with a 5-slide powerpoint presentation or video. Each presentation will have a discussion involving the audience and panelists.

The details for submission are listed below. The deadline for submission is Friday, March 31st at 11.59pm.

Please note that research and clinical fellows/residents associated with a cardiothoracic surgery program in the New York area are eligible to present. Also note that videos/abstracts/manuscripts that have been published within the last 3 years are eligible for submission. Presentation at NYSTS will not preclude submission of your work to national and international meetings.
Please make sure to submit your name, EMAIL address, institution of your residency, category of submission, and date of any associated publication.

Research abstract:
-no more than 250 words
-maximum of 1 table and 1 figure (does not count towards word count) (2 figures or 2 tables is not allowed)
-please submit in pdf format

Video abstract:
-no more than 5 minutes
-please submit as high quality videos as possible but limit the size to 1 GB
-narration or text is required to explain the case details plus a submission abstract accompanying the video

Click here to upload Submission
Ticket purchases will be available later this month on our website
Christopher Lau, MD
Chairman, Program Committee, NYSTS